Course curriculum

    1. Face Magic For Stress Release + Immunity + Creativity - EnergyWork Follow-Along GEM You'll Use Daily! [25:17]

    1. Face Magic Karmic Tools - The First Few Minutes - Free Preview OF THE BONUS [5:36]

    2. Face Magic Karmic Tools With Rudy Hunter - A VERY BIG BONUS! [20:31]

    1. If I Were Willing INTRO [Advanced Facial Processing - Verbal & Energetic Work] - The First 12+ Minutes - YUM!!! [time]

    2. If I Were Willing [Advanced Facial Processing - Verbal & Energetic Work] With Rudy Hunter [34:28]

    3. Some Goodies Before You Go...


About this course

  • $108.00
  • 7 lessons
  • 2 hours of video content

Follow Along With Rudy To Energetically Enhance Your Natural TRUE BEAUTY!

EnergyWork With Your Hands To Help Your Face Glow And Allow Your True Beauty To SHINE Through

Simple, deep & powerful EnergyWork maneuvers from Healer & Teacher Rudy Hunter to magnify the TRUE BEAUTY inherent in your face... all done with your ownhands + Verbal Processing, Karma Clearing EnergyWork & more... you'll use this GEM before special events, date night, public speaking, dating, photo shoots... and more. Own it for life and view it on any device. This Course is a PACKED with deliciousness that feels incredible and makes you Shine! Check out the FREE PREVIEW then enjoy the #WooWoo lusciousness of Face Magic as much as you wish. It also makes a pretty awesome GIFT for yourself or a loved one! Big love, Rudy